Saturday, May 2, 2009

I have the camera more during free time....

We celebrated Resurrection Day with a nice big breakfast, followed by church, and visits with ministry parents..... 

And are you surprised? We love to eat and therefore we love the kitchen!

Well, the "tejo" mud was just as much fun as tejo itself... The game involves throwing heavy clay disks at these mud pits with the goal of setting off a firecracker buried deep inside...

And this is the last "tierra caliente" picture. I discovered swimming is much more fun when the water is warm.

Random things from the ministry...

So this is the team - or most of it. The picture was taken the day of our "despedida" - the good-bye party for two of us who leave this month..

And this is my "patrona," my much-loved director from Luz y Vida - and she really is Colombian!

Does he not look like a different person? Maybe it's the changing of the guard in caregivers or maybe just the effect of 6 months of growth...