Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unexpected finds

(Qualifier: The reason behind the following is not that I live in a tent. Actually, I leave my bedroom window and front doors wide open for air circulation. They open onto the screened front porch, but that door has a crack under it...)

I looked into the corner of the bathroom the other day. What was that odd little pile?

OH! A frog! Well, I was glad it was a little one, rather than a gooey fat one like we found in the garden or the drinker. I didn't mind picking him up and throwing him back outside.

I realized there was a spider web in the "happy room," around the corner from the kitchen. Then I realized there was a spider. I left it. I hate flies in the kitchen.

This morning I walked back into my bedroom, flipping the light on. In my half-awake state, I puzzled over the large lint pile moving slowly across the white rug. Finally, it dawned on me that it was actually a worm covered in lint. I was glad I hadn't stepped on this creature who would have fit with Jack's beanstalk. He was about 3 inches long, with a 1/2 inch diameter; appearances said tomato worm. I wrapped him in a paper towel before smashing him. Who wants to leave that kind of goop on an off-white carpet? And who wants my already struggling tomato plants eaten?

Last week I cleaned out the file cabinet in my classroom. It was filled with treasures - a wedding invitation from two years ago, a printer cord buried amongst the Christmas art cutouts, about 100 copies of a paper snowflake, and language papers from 1981. I have two almost empty drawers now, and two neatly organized sets of hanging folders.
I cleaned out my thoughts the other night. I realized that I was becoming distracted by people and neglecting the Lord's approval. Throw those folks' opinion where they should be, on the outside.

I had a conversation in which I realized that I could NOT understand why people wanted to party in the midst of classes. I think I'll leave my lack of imagination as is. It works.

Hidden. Deep in my heart, covered with justifiable feelings of denial and disbelief, creeping into my relationships, I found something else. Bitterness, unforgiveness - creeping into my thought patterns. I'm wrapping them up in prayer, but I need to smash them...

My mind is filled with treasures. Some of them truly are good things, dreams and memories. Some are mine, but some I've gleaned from the ideals of others. I wonder, have I allowed the treasures to clutter what the Lord is doing? He's cleaning, I know, and making room.


PrincessR said...

Hmmm, good post my friend. I like how you tied in the "unexpected finds" of your house to your heart. After just cleaning and dejunking our house, I realize how nice it is, but that the process is tireing. It is soooo worth it though! How much more so with God cleaning?

OK, now I am ready to go "dejunk" with God!

~2 Thessalonians 3:13~

PrincessR said...

Oops, that would be "tiring". :D

Prairie Momma said...

I love "visiting" you here. You always bless me with your writings, and I leave encouraged and refreshed (even if I say "ouch" now and then to what you have written!) I love you and wish you'd stop by sometime.