Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Surrounded by school

You know you’re a teacher when...

you understand that the student who says “The White House” is actually referring to Washington State.

you clean out your pockets to find 87 cents... in plastic coins. And a few paperclips to boot.

you can interpret “They did something illegal. They put signs in the road,” to realize that a student has driven around the road construction detour.

you think you're going to get charged extra by the garbage company because you have so many bags of paper.

you go home every day to think of a new and better way.

There is an email oft passed around that answers the question, “What do teachers make?” with quite an effective description of the difference a teacher makes. My favorite phrase is “I make kids sit still for 45 minutes when their parents can’t do it for 5 without a playstation or DVD player.” It’s so true! Have you ever watched your students in church and wondered why their parents allow them to act that way?

But I don’t have it all together. At least every other day I come home and wonder why I can’t reach this student or that one, why I’m allowing this or that to happen, why we cannot learn more.

And then I realize that no matter how much time I pour into these children, no matter how much progress they make, no matter how well they behave or perform, no matter how pleasant our days are as they pass... No matter - in 9 months, they’re gone. It’s over. I may never see them again.

1 comment:

PrincessR said...

Haha! I love the coins in plastic... :D

"I make kids sit still for 45 minutes while thier parents can't for 5 without a playstation...."
Too true to be funny.

I know that as much as you only have "your kids" for just a while, you make such an impact in their lives.

Good to hear from you! I missed not getting to visit with you much at the anniversary party. :)